TODAY!!! 🗣 you will see remarkable things and you will glorify God!! #PropheticWord

TODAY!!! 🗣 you will see remarkable things and you will glorify God!!  #PropheticWord

TODAY!!! you will see remarkable things and you will glorify God!! #Prophecy #Someone #Faith #Hope #Today #Believe #Recieve #See
#Move #Of #God

Luke 5:26
They were all struck with astonishment and began glorifying God; and they were filled with fear, saying, “We have seen remarkable things today.

Mathew 21.22
You can pray for anything, and if you have faith, you will receive it

Prayer of Salvation & Re-dedication
Lord Jesus Christ I Surrender to you today. I believe you died and were raised up on the the third day. I recieve forgiveness of my sins and I accept you as Lord and saviour of my life. I recieve grace to live like you and experience all you have prepared for me in your name. I now declare I am born again to the Glory of God! Amen! Hallelujah.

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KINGDOM MARRIAGE KEYS: The Perfect Preparatory Guide For Kingdom Marriages

The Ultimate Prayer Book Guide | For The Believers
It has prayers points for everything you ever need to pray about and for whatever situation with guidance on how to pray right to recieve answers from the Heavenly Father at the perfect time.

Newman Gopherwood 21 Day Daily Devotional and Prayer Guide
Designed to help draw you closer to Jesus Christ

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