Mahakashyap was a disciple of the Buddha. Before meeting the Buddha, he was known as Kashyap. This story is about the transformation of Kashyap into the great Mahakashyap.
After receiving this invaluable wisdom, Kashyap gained clarity. He said, “I was in an illusion about what I believed I knew. I now realize that I know nothing at all. Besides learning what I didn’t know, I find that all those answers that I believed I knew, all that I considered rationally true, have also proved wrong.”
After attaining wisdom, Kashyap received knowledge of his ignorance. The truth—I know that I don’t know— dawned upon him.
The wordless wisdom that the Buddha imparted is like the sweet tasted by the dumb.
Just as a dumb person can taste sweetness but cannot describe it to anyone, one who has experienced Silence can alone understand it.
The knowledge of Silence cannot be transmitted in words. It can only be understood through direct experience. However, we can be pushed towards it with the help of stories, anecdotes, analogies, and pointers.
And this is what we will discover in The Source of Silence.
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