Live Ruqyah for every and any kind of Magic feel your Magic jinn burn and your Blockages open -Q&A

Live Ruqyah for every and any kind of Magic feel your Magic jinn burn and your Blockages open -Q&A

511 Free Live The Most Powerful Ruqyah Al Shariah Full | Real Online Exorcisms. الرقية الشرعية
Very Strong Ruqyah for every and any kind of Magic feel your Magic jinn burn and your Blockages open and Remove Evil Eye, Sihir, Envy, Ayn, Black Magic, Stubborn Jinn.#Ruqyah #LiveRuqyah
عين حسد جن سحر کالے جادو کو ختم کرے
In the ruqyah session, we will be having a question and answer session for fiqh or any Islamic Ruqya relation questions.
🔊 Everyone who joins the ruqya please recite istighfar 3 times and 3 times salawat. 🔊
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The first few minutes gave a slight introduction in English then after ruqyah will start.
Assalamu Alaykum this process of Ruqya is a little different and has an element of hadith mixed with practical experience.
* We need to start off with intention, Niyyah.
* Our Niyyah is that we will be listening to this Ruqya with the faith and conviction, yaqeen that Allah s w t will remove our all difficulties, whether its magic or jinn or Evil Eye or even physical illness. We must listen with that faith.
* Keep a bucket of water whilst listening to the Ruqya and keep a bottle of water for drinking and a bottle of either mustard or Olive oil.
* After Ruqya is finished we should bathe with the water in the bucket we can add more water if needed we can use soap and shampoo etc and bathe asap.
* You can shower in the bathroom with water.
* You should spray some water in the home to remove issues from the home.
* We should drink as much of the water in the bottle don't let it finish keep adding more water and keep drinking.
* The oil before sleep we should apply from head to toe all over, in our nose in our ears 3 drops in each ear and in our belly button. Soles of our feet.
* After the ruqya make dua to Allah.
* If you feel anything during the Ruqya it's a good sign no matter what you feel so don't worry and don't panic nothing can hurt you unless it's the will of Allah.
* Please listen to the Ruqya with complete concentration and focus, listen to every word, and imagine it's penetrating your soul and your heart.
* Keep listening to this ruqyah until the problem is solved and the more u listen and focus the more it will help.
* Perform 5 times Salah Namaz on time and Read a lot of istighfar and salwaat alan nabi daily insha Allah u will feel better.
* Please do not listen whilst driving.
* May Allah swt grant you peace and change all your difficulties into happiness and grant shifa health. May Allah s w t open the doors of his mercy for you and all of us Ameen Ameen Ameen
* Please remember us in your dua's/prayers.
* Please like, share, subscribe, and press the bell (next to the subscribe button) to receive updates and notifications about ruqya updates. JAZAK ALLAH
► If you display any odd the following symptoms or similar then know that you have a spiritual issue.
Body pain
Pain in legs
Feel heavy
Feel the pressure on head or eyes
Feel sleepy
Keep yawning
Get angry
Feel like leaving the room
Feel like crying
Feel anxious
-These are just some of the issues:

Dars Al Yowm is something special, it’s a place where people can come to be inspired, to renew their faith, to learn and share knowledge, to fall in love with our faith and also our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him and his family).
The Prophet said, Whoever guides someone to goodness will have a similar reward. (Sahih Muslim).
Dars Al Yowm Was created for the pleasure of Allah and his order to seek and pass on knowledge.
All care is taken to ensure each lesson is as prescribed by the Holy Quran and the Hadith of Prophet Muhammed s.a.w. and focuses on the fard and Sunnah acts.
It is hoped that through these lessons we may draw closer to Allah subhana wa ta ala and be deserving of his rewards.
► This channel is maintained by Sheikh Muhammad Karim & for Dars Al Yowm. Feel free to download these lessons and pass them on to others.
► No music is used in the production of our videos.
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