Its Vital that We Crucify The Flesh

Its Vital that We Crucify The Flesh

Minister David Morgan, A Dedicated Soldier of the Cross to Carry On The Great Battle For The Cause Of Christ Unto all the World; With great courage and wisdom and unshakeable faith.
Minister David Morgan delivered a great message: For if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live. WHEN A CHRISTIAN CHOOSES TO LIVE HIS OR HER LIFE IN SIN - IT MIGHT JUST SHOCK YOU AS TO WHAT CAN HAPPEN! WHEN A PERSON PERSISTENTLY CONTINUES TO LIVE IN SIN – THE END RESULT WILL BE DEATH. Romans 8:12-13

#minister david morgandavid morganpraise of zion ministries

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