Heavy rain has been affecting parts of Java and Sumatra Islands since 19 July, triggering landslides and causing floods that have resulted in displacements and damage. Packing heavy winds and rain, the storm heaped more misery on the Southeast Asian nations after Sunday's disaster turned small communities into wastelands of mud and uprooted trees and forced thousands of people into shelters.
Downpours are expected over the next day as the storm triggers offshore waves as high as six metres (20 feet), Indonesia's disaster agency said.
The cyclone, which was picking up strength as it moved toward the west coast of Australia, hampered efforts to reach trapped survivors.In Java Island, the Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management and the ASEAN Disaster Information Network report, as of 18 June, five displaced people, 1,350 affected people, ten damaged houses, one damaged bridge and two damaged roads across Tulungagung Regency due to landslides. In Sumatra Island, nearly 600 affected people and 227 damaged houses were reported across Sijunjung Regency due to floods.
In addition, 600 affected people and 120 damaged houses were reported across Indragiri Hulu Regency due to floods.On 20-21 July, heavy rain was reported across Java and Sulawesi Islands, causing floods and a landslide, which have resulted in casualties. According to the Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management, two people died and a number of residents were injured in a landslide event, which occurred on 19 June in Magelang Regency. Floods across West Java and Southeast Sulawesi Provinces have left more than 52,900 people affected and damaged 31 houses and 18 schools, as reported by the AHA Centre.Heavy rain and strong winds affected southern Sulawesi and western Java since 13 July, causing flash floods and leading to casualties and damage.
The Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management reports 11 displaced people, 123 affected and more than 40 damaged houses following flash floods in Wajo Regency. According to the ASEAN Disaster Information Network, 200 people have been affected and 24 houses damaged due to a tornado event that hit Pandeglang Regency in Banten Province.
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