Get Ready For The Show: Preparation to Trade Fairs in China

Get Ready For The Show: Preparation to Trade Fairs in China

Acting as gateways to the Chinese market, trade fairs provide European SMEs with an effective marketing tool to use in their internationalisation campaigns. But to fully reap the benefits fairs have to offer, SMEs must be aware of the risks associated with exhibiting, such as an inadequate preparation for the event and poor follow up, an incomplete plan for IPR protection, or even the wrong selection of the exhibition to attend. Considering the efforts associated with participating in trade fairs in China, it is crucial that SMEs become aware of these risks and respond accordingly through the implementation of dedicated strategies.

This webinar was organised as part of the programme of the European SME Pavilion that the EU SME Centre is organising for the upcoming China International Industry Fair (CIIF) in September 2021 (Shanghai)

This interview-style webinar will offer a full step-by-step introduction to participation to trade fairs in China.

Our panalists will be sharing their insights and discuss the following:
- Secure your IP rights – before, during and after the fair
- The impact of COVID-19 on trade fair participation in China – what’s possible for companies in Europe
- Strategy on selection of fairs – methodology, factors for decision making
- Managing expectations – set your goals, prepare and maximise the outcomes
- Engaging with potential Chinese business partners
- Participation to CIIF with the EU SME Centre – benefits and ways to participate

Contact us:
If you have any follow-up questions regarding the topic, please send an email to or ASK-THE-EXPERT​​​.

The EU SME Centre is a project funded by the European Union. This recording was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its content are the sole responsibility of EU SME Centre and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.


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