Blouse Design on Stitched Blouse | Aari work With Normal Needle Stitching

Blouse Design on Stitched Blouse | Aari work With Normal Needle Stitching

Aari Tutorials :

Aari Materials :Group 1

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Group 2:

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Group 3:

Watsapp 9066918144

Used Materials In Video :

Normal needles no:12
2mmbunch beads
4mm&4mm pearls
plastic mirrors, mirror frames
fabric Glue
thin zari thread for beads & Zardozi work

Beginners Kit :

1.Aari 16" Stand with Frame 400/-
2.Needles (thread& beads, zardozi) 50/-
3.sewing thread & silk thread 25/-
4.sugar beads 20gm 30/-
cut beads 20gm 30/-
5.4mm chamki/Sequences 10 gm 15
6.piping thread 2mtrs & Fabric glue 20/-
7.Mirrors (Round&square each 10gm)30/-
8.zardosi 10gm 30/-
9.Stonelace 1mtr &beads chain 1mtr 30/-
10.Zari thread 20/-
11.Marker 20/-
Shipping 150/-

Total : 850/-

For Booking Whatsapp 9066918144
(No Cod)
Payment mode is Gpay or Phonepe


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