Biden Admin Has Been Holding Talks With Fox News Over Their COVID Coverage

Biden Admin Has Been Holding Talks With Fox News Over Their COVID Coverage

Over the last few months, the White House has repeatedly reached out and held discussions with Fox News about their COVID coverage, though they aren't certain if any of the talks have helped. Fox has been one of the leaders in spreading COVID misinformation, but recently some of their hosts have adopted different language when discussing the pandemic and the vaccines, actively encouraging their viewers to get vaccinated. Could the talks actually be working? Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins discusses this.

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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

According to a new report from CNN that has been confirmed by White House press secretary, Jen Psaki, the White House has been holding regular talks for several months now with Fox news to discuss their coverage of the pandemic. Now, as we all know, Fox news has been one of the largest purveyors of misinformation about the pandemic and the vaccine, you know, basically since the beginning of this thing. And it's only been literally within the last three days that some hosts have changed their language, right? Steve Doocy going out, telling people, get vaccinated. Sean Hannity going out and telling people I believe in the science of vaccines, get it if you can. You know, that is a sharp, sharp turn from where these individuals were just a couple of weeks ago. Fox news has a vaccine passport ish policy that they've been enforcing for a very long time.

So maybe these talks between the White House and Fox news are working. Unfortunately the White House says, we don't know, we don't know if they're working. We don't know if it's doing any good. And of course, both Fox news and the White House, once this report came out, tried to, you know, dispute the levels at which the conversations were happening. Basically trying to say like, no, it's not the higher ups. It's not Biden going out and talking to Rupert Murdoch, trying to, you know, get them to stop with the misinformation. Mostly it's, I guess, White House staffers talking to producers over at Fox news. So you don't have the big wigs doing this, but you do have people engaging in conversations about their coverage of the pandemic. And it goes beyond that, by the way, it is not just Fox news that this administration is talking to.

Psaki also confirmed that they have reached out to several media outlets to speak with them about their coverage of the pandemic. Now we may not know for certain what other outlets those are, but if we're talking about spreading COVID misinformation, I would have to assume they've tried to reach out to both Newsmax and the One America News network. And to be honest, this is what the administration should be doing. And if he has the time to do it, I think Joe Biden should be a part of these conversations. This is one of those rare things that really should have brought the nation together, you know, the pandemic. We can all band together do what's right, protect not just ourselves, but one another as one country, one people, you know, all the lines that usually divide us, we could have erased them and come together and beaten this thing together. That is the message that Joe Biden, or at least somebody in that white house needs to be delivering to these media outlets.

Is it going to work with them? Who knows? I mean, honestly these networks are so backwards at point it's hard to think that you can talk reasonably and rationally to them. But that doesn't mean you don't try. And I think, I think at least based on these reports, that is what the administration is doing. And that's what you have to do. There are major sources of misinformation in this country out there spreading lies about the pandemic and the vaccines every single day. And if this administration is actively going out there, trying to get them to change, then that is something that needs to be applauded. That is something that we need to encourage.

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